Transplantation Immunologyٹرانسپلانٹیشن کی 4 اقسام کیا ہیں؟


Transplantation is the process of moving cells, tissues or organs(اعضاء) from one site to another for the purpose of replacing or repairing(مرمت) damaged or diseased organs and tissues. It saves thousands of lives each year. However, the immune system poses a significant(اہم) barrier to successful organ transplantation when tissues/organs are transferred from one individual to another.

○ Rejection is caused by the immune system identifying the transplant as foreign(غیر ملکی),

triggering a response that will ultimately destroy(تباہ) the transplanted organ or tissue. Long term survival(بقا) of the transplant can be maintained(برقرار رکھا) by manipulating the immune system to reduce the risk of rejection.

○ Donor and recipient are carefully matched prior(پہلے) to transplantation to minimise the risk of rejection. They are matched based on their blood group, tissue typing, and

how the recipient’s blood serum reacts to donor cells.

○ Immunosuppressive drugs(مدافعتی ادویات) are used to prevent and to treat transplant rejection by dampening the overall immune response. However, immunosuppressive drugs are non-specific(مخصوص) and leave patients more susceptible to disease as well as being associated with numerous unwanted(ناپسندیدہ) side effects.

○ Further research on the immunological mechanisms(امیونولوجیکل میکانزم) of rejection will help improve cross matching, diagnosis and treatment, as well as facilitating the discovery of

novel strategies for preventing.


Transplantation is the most common(عام) way of moving cells, tissues, or organs, starting with one site then onto the next, either inside a similar individual(اسی طرح کا فرد) or between a contributor and a beneficiary. In the event that an organ framework falls flat, or becomes harmed(نقصان پہنچا) as a result of infection or injury, it tends to be supplanted with a sound organ or tissue from a giver. Organ transplantation(ٹرانسپلانٹیشن) is a significant activity and is possibly offered when any remaining treatment choices have fizzled(چکنا چور). Subsequently, it is generally expected a daily existence saving mediation(ثالثی). In 2015/16, 4,601 patient lives were saved or worked on in the UK by an organ transplant.i Kidney transfers are the most widely recognized(تسلیم کیا) organ relocated on the NHS in the UK (3,265 of every 2015/16), trailed by the liver (925), and pancreas (230).i what's more, a sum of 383 joined heart and lung transfers were performed(کارکردگی کا مظاہرہ کیا), while in 2015/16. Nonetheless, entire organs are by all account not the only kind of relocate. The cornea, for instance, is the most relocated single tissue, with 5,734 strategies did in 2015/16.i Hematopoietic foundational microorganism transplantation (HSCT), regularly called blood and marrow transplantation (BMT), is another normal tissue transplantation strategy. Used to treat a wide range of infections, however most regularly for blood or bone marrow malignant growths like leukemia and lymphoma, around 3,600 HSCT transfers were attempted in 2012.

The insusceptible framework assumes a basic part in transplantation. The intricate components of resistance, which under ordinary conditions(عام حالات) work to recognize unfamiliar organisms and direct the invulnerable framework to annihilate them, represent a critical obstruction to effective transplantation. Dismissal of a transfer happens in cases where the resistant framework recognizes the transfer as unfamiliar(ناواقف), setting off a reaction that will at last obliterate(مٹانا) the relocated organ or tissue.

The power of the resistant reaction against(خلاف) the organ or tissue, additionally ordinarily alluded(اشارہ کیا) to as the unite, will rely upon the sort of join being relocated and the hereditary dissimilarity between the giver and beneficiary(فائدہ اٹھانے والا). To decrease the chance of dismissal, the benefactor and beneficiary are painstakingly(بڑی محنت سے) matched for safe similarity before transplantation. Notwithstanding, the little pool of qualified contributors(شراکت دار) can make it hard to track down a giver beneficiary match and there will forever be a level of dismissal against the unite. A basic undersupply of given organs implies that sitting tight records for transfers are amazingly long. Patients requiring a kidney transplantation, for instance, look out for normal 944 days (more than over two years) for a day to day existence(وجود) saving transplant.There were 6,943 patients enlisted for organ relocate in the UK as of March 2015.i Unfortunately, 479 of these patients kicked the bucket during 2015/16 while sitting tight for a transfer due the little pool of transplantable organs. These figures underline the worth of each organ and feature the significance(اہمیت) of a fruitful transplantation and keeping up with long haul relocate endurance. Control of the resistant framework can uphold long-term endurance(برداشت) of the unite guaranteeing that each relocate is pretty much as effective as could be expected.

Types of Transplantation Immunology

Following are some types of transplantation immunology:


Transplantation of cells, tissues or organs between locales(مقامی) inside a similar individual for example skin join.


Transplantation of organs or tissues from a benefactor(احسان کرنے والا) to a non-hereditarily indistinguishable person of similar species. Allografts are the most well-known kind of relocate.


Transplantation of an organ or tissue between two distinct species. 'Pig valves', for instance, are ordinarily used to fix or supplant a damaged heart valve(والو) in people. In 2015/16, 6,069 xenograft valve substitutions(متبادل) were done in England by the NHS.iii Xenotransplantation of entire organs isn't presently suitable, despite the fact that it is a space of gigantic logical interest as a possible answer for the current basic undersupply(کم سپلائی) of satisfactory organs.

ABO contradictory

ABO alludes to blood bunch(خون کا گچھا), which can shift between people. For most transfer types, matching of blood bunch among giver and beneficiary is a critical technique(تنقیدی تکنیک) in diminishing dismissal hazard. In any case, blood bunch similarity isn't needed all of the time for transplantations. For instance, on account of extremely small kids with youthful(جوان) safe frameworks, ABO incongruent transfers can be completed with less danger of relocate dismissal.

Stem Cell Transplant

Stem cells will be cells that have the ability(صلاحیت) to form into a scope of various kinds of cells in the body. Blood immature microorganisms (haematopoietic undifferentiated organisms) can form into every one of the various cells found in the blood and are given to supplant harmed or annihilated(فنا کر دیا) platelets. Haematopoietic immature microorganism transfers are utilized to treat particular kinds of malignant growth for example leukemia, and blood infections where the bone marrow has become harmed forestalling the development of sound platelets. These undifferentiated cells can be reaped either straightforwardly(براہ راست) from bone marrow (see picture on left) or from the string (blood from the placenta and umbilical rope) from consenting moms following labor

Immunology of Transplant Rejection

Recognizing self and non-self

At the point when the insusceptible(ناقابل قبول) framework experiences an unfamiliar life form, it mounts an assault against it to shield the body from disease. To forestall an assault(حملہ) on our own cells and tissues (autoimmunity), the safe framework should have the option to separate between our own sound tissues and unfamiliar intruders(ناواقف گھسنے والے).

Unfamiliar intruders are introduced(متعارف کرایا) to the resistant framework as little particles called antigens. Distinguishing proof of these non-self antigens will trigger a safe reaction and will animate the development(ترقی) of antigen explicit antibodies that imprint tainted cells for obliteration(ختم کرنا) by the resistant framework and assist with enhancing the invulnerable(ناقابل تسخیر) reaction. The Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) complex is a gathering of qualities that encode the proteins liable for distinguishing unfamiliar specialists to the invulnerable(ناقابل تسخیر) framework. These proteins are found on the outer layer, everything being equal, and go about as 'self-markers' telling the insusceptible framework not to trigger a reaction. Every individual will have their own particular arrangement(انتظام) of HLA proteins, in light of their remarkable hereditary make-up, that the insusceptible framework will have learned not to respond to. Any cell not showing these particular HLA proteins will be recognized(تسلیم کیا) as 'non-self' by the invulnerable framework and will be treated as an unfamiliar trespasser.

Mechanism of Rejection

Rejection is the major barrier(رکاوٹ) to successful transplantation. The immune response to an allograft is an ongoing dialogue between the innate and adaptive immune system that if left unchecked will lead to the rejection of transplanted cells, tissues, or organs. Activation of elements of the innate immune system, triggered as a consequence(نتیجہ) of tissue injury sustained during cell isolation or organ retrieval and ischemia reperfusion, will initiate and amplify the adaptive response. T cells require a minimum of two signals for activation, antigen recognition, and costimulation. The activation requirements(ضروریات) of naive T cells are more stringent than those of memory T cells. Memory T cells are present in the majority of transplant recipients as a result of heterologous immunity. The majority of B cells require help from T cells to initiate antibody production. Antibodies reactive to donor human leukocyte antigen molecules, minor histocompatibility antigens, endothelial cells, RBCs, or autoantigens can trigger or contribute to rejection early and late after transplantation. Antibody-mediated rejection triggered by alloantibody(الاونٹی باڈی) binding and complement activation is recognized increasingly as a significant contribution to graft loss. Even though one component of the immune system may dominate(غلبہ) and lead to rejection being described in short hand as T cell or antibody mediated, it is usually multifactorial resulting from the integration of multiple mechanisms. Identifying the molecular pathways that trigger tissue injury, signal transduction and rejection facilitates the identification of targets for the development of immunosuppressive drugs.

Clinical phases of Rejection

Some phases of rejection are discussed below:

Hyperacute Rejection

This happens inside the space of minutes or hours after a transplantation(ٹرانسپلانٹیشن) and is brought about by the presence of previous antibodies of the beneficiary, that match the unfamiliar antigens(ناواقف اینٹیجنز) of the benefactor, setting off an insusceptible reaction against the transfer. These antibodies might have been created because of earlier blood bondings, earlier transplantations or various pregnancies. The antibodies respond with cells in the veins of the unite, causing blood clumps to frame, which will forestall blood supply from arriving(پہنچنا) at the join bringing about prompt dismissal of the transfer.

Acute Rejection

This happens inside the initial a half year after transplantation. Some level of intense(شدید) dismissal will happen in all transplantations, besides between indistinguishable twins. Beneficiaries are most in danger in the initial(ابتدائی) 3 months, however dismissal can in any case happen at a later stage. Intense dismissal is brought about by the development of antibodies following the discovery of non-self antigens in the gave join. Assuming(فرض کرنا) that analyzed sufficiently early, intense dismissal can be treated by smothering theinvulnerable framework and super durable harm to the unite can be stayed away from now and again.

Chronic Rejection

Rehashed episodes of intense dismissal can eventually prompt(فوری طور پر) ongoing dismissal of the unite and disappointment of the transfer. Ongoing dismissal regularly appears as scarring of the tissue or organ which can happen a very long time to years after intense dismissal(برطرف) has died down. As of now, there is no solution for ongoing dismissal other than evacuation of the join.

Finding an eligible donor-recipient match

Rejection can be limited via cautiously(احتیاط سے) matching the benefactor and beneficiary for similarity before transplantation. The better paired the giver and beneficiary(فائدہ اٹھانے والا) are the more effective the transplantation is probably going to be. Similarity among giver and beneficiary is evaluated utilizing a mix of tests, including:

ABO blood group compatibility –

– The benefactor and beneficiary are tried for viable(قابل عمل) blood gatherings. This is the main test to be done as the transfer will be quickly dismissed assuming the blood bunches really do no match. In certain transfers, for instance small kids and furthermore bone marrow transfers, ABO similarity isn't a necessity

Tissue Typing

– A blood test is taken from the beneficiary to recognize(پہچان) the HLA antigens present on the outer layer of the their cells to assist with tracking down a histone viable giver The more similar the HLA kinds of the contributor and beneficiary are the more probable a transfer will be effective. Relatives, specifically kin, are frequently the best HLA matches because of their hereditary similitude

Cross matching –

Blood tests are taken from both the beneficiary and giver, and the cells of the benefactor(احسان کرنے والا) are blended in with the blood serum of the beneficiary. Assuming the beneficiary's antibodies assault the giver cells, they are viewed as a positive match and transplantation won't be reasonable because of expanded(توسیع) danger of hyper-intense dismissal.

Panel reactive antibody test

The blood serum(سیرم) of patients anticipating transplantation are tried for responsive antibodies against an irregular board of cells. Past openness(کشادگی) to unfamiliar tissue, by blood bonding, pregnancy or earlier transplantations, are probably going to expand the quantity of HLA antibodies in the blood. The more HLA antibodies present, the higher he board receptive counter acting agent (PRA) level meant to the patient, and the more prominent the shot at join dismissal. Assuming PRA levels are high, it very well might be more hard to track down a match and a higher measurement of immunosuppressive medications might be required.

Serology screening –

For patients going through foundational microorganism(بنیادی مائکروجنزم) transplantation they and their benefactor will go through pre-relocate serology screening. This is embraced to recognize the invulnerable(ناقابل تسخیر) status of both the benefactor and an expected beneficiary against various clinically huge irresistible organic entities, including infections like HIV, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), and Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), consequently deciding potential for re-contamination or reactivation of the disease upon immunosuppression. People are regularly matched by the CMV and EBV status.

Immunosuppressive medications

To decrease the danger of relocate dismissal, patients are treated with immunosuppressive medications that will hose their resistant reaction. Immunosuppressive medications are given in two stages; an underlying acceptance stage including a high portion, and a later support stage which includes involving the medication in the long haul at a lower portion.

The blend of medications, and dose given, will shift contingent upon the kind of relocate and the picked treatment system. Assuming a patient encounters an episode of intense dismissal the medication blend is liable to change and the measurements is additionally prone to increment. Secondary effects can likewise make elective medications be utilized. Steroids, before, have been the most usually utilized immunosuppressant drug. Nonetheless, their utilization is being diminished because of the unfriendly secondary effects related with them.

All current immunosuppressive medications accompany limits. One of the significant limits(اہم حدود) of these medications is immunodeficiency. As these immunosuppressive medications are vague, they will decrease generally speaking invulnerable framework work leaving patients helpless to pioneering contamination. Also, a considerable lot of these medications are related with unfriendly aftereffects, for example, hypertension, weakened renal capacity, diabetes mellitus, and expanded danger of malignant growth – to give some examples. Patients are needed to take an enormous number of immunosuppressants every day for the remainder of their lives, which can significantly affect their wellbeing and way of life. A fine equilibrium should be reached between smothering invulnerable capacity adequately to keep away from dismissal, forestalling drug poisonousness, and keeping up with sufficient safe capacity to ward off illness.

Future transplant Therapies:

Just as new immunosuppressive medications, with expanded particularity and less incidental(اتفاقی) effects, other new treatments would likewise one day be able to extraordinarily decrease, or completely eliminate, the chance of dismissal.

Undifferentiated cells could significantly(نمایاں طور پر) affect transplantation in the future past their present use in treating blood problems. Pluripotent foundational microorganisms have the ability to develop into any cell in the body, and this capacity can be bridled to develop tissues and organs. Also, the disclosure that other cell types can be actuated to have foundational microorganism limits implies that the cells used to make the tissue could come straightforwardly from the actual beneficiary, consequently evading the danger of dismissal.

Another future methodology is the production(پیداوار) of organ frameworks utilizing 3D printing and afterward developing foundational microorganisms around these platforms to misleadingly repeat the tissue being supplanted. Bio-assembling of tissues and organs would not just decrease the danger of relocate dismissal, on the off chance that the patient's own foundational microorganisms were utilized, however would likewise diminish the strain on the restricted organ supply.

In any case, the UK public technique for organ transplantation ('Taking organ transplantation to 2020: a UK methodology') expresses that advances in undeveloped cell treatment are probably not going to altogether affect organ gift over the course of the following decade(دہائی). In this manner, working on presently accessible treatments and the disclosure of novel immunosuppressive systems stays at the front line of relocate medication research.

Further developing similarity testing among contributor and beneficiary could likewise decrease the danger of relocate dismissal and increment the life span of the transfer. The better paired the benefactor and the beneficiary are, the more open minded the beneficiary's safe framework will be to the relocated organ or tissue. Also, a more prominent comprehension(فہم) of the uniqueness between the giver and beneficiary will better illuminate treatment methodologies after transplantation and assist with keeping away from rehashed episodes of intense dismissal.

Immunological exploration has prompted gigantic headways(پیش قدمی) in relocate medication. In any case, invulnerable dismissal actually stays the most imposing obstruction to effective transplantation. Proceeded with research is expected to track down ways of lightening the danger of dismissal, further develop conclusion and keep up with long haul endurance(برداشت) of the transfer; all of which would essentially affect the stressed organ supply.

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