E-learning ای لرننگ کیا ہے اور اس کی اہمیت؟


E-learning is a formalized ( رسمی ) teaching-based learning system that makes use of electronic resources. E-learning is primarily centered ( مرکوز )on using computers and the Internet, while education can also take place in or outside of formal ( رسمی ) classroom settings. The transmission of education to many receivers at once or at various ( مختلف ) times is known as e-learning, which is also known as a network-enabled transfer of skills and knowledge. Earlier, it wasn't fully recognised ( تسلیم کیا ) since it was thought that this method lacked the human component necessary for learning.

However, it is now accepted by the majority due to the quick advancements (ترقیات) in technology and learning methods. This revolution ( انقلاب ) was sparked by the invention of computers, and as time goes on and we become dependent on smartphones, tablets, etc., these gadgets now play a significant (اہم) role in classroom instruction. Electronic instructional resources like optical discs or pen drives are progressively ( آہستہ آہستہ ) replacing books in the classroom. The Internet, which is available anywhere, anytime, and around-the-clock, may also be used to disseminate (پھیلانا ) knowledge.

Importance of E-Learning

● E-learning has been introduced to empower ( بااختیار بنانا ) learners to get fundamental ( بنیادی ) tutoring and enhance abilities. Likewise, they can get a degree certificate, without really attending the everyday schedule or some other foundation.

● For teachers, it is a great source of earning, wherein they can teach from anywhere in their preferred (ترجیحی) time.

● Applying e-learning to all levels of tutoring ( ٹیوشن )helped to ensure students handle the lessons adequately ( مناسب طور پر ) at a faster pace.

● As per brain science, the general media method of teaching leads to a disciplined learning environment. There are an effective teacher and student engagements(مصروفیات).

● One of the importance of e-learning in education is that coaches and members both can develop advanced learning abilities. For example, creating and selling eBooks is one such advancement.

● E-learning has worked towards bringing (لانا)  learners, mentors, experts, practitioners, and other interest gatherings to one place. Subsequently(بعد میں), there is a decent practice of knowledge sharing followed through different online stages. This is significant in current times as competition is rising and the world is likewise ( اسی طرحdeveloping. Hence, fast data helps in the better development of a person.

Types of E-Learning

There are two basic types of E-Learning

Asynchronous e-learning

Asynchronous ( غیر مطابقت پذیر ) e-learning is self-paced; students complete the course independently, typically on a laptop. Asynchronous e-learning courses may incorporate simulations, games, simulation content, videos, images, text, knowledge tests, and other interactive components (اجزاء)

Synchronous e-learning

Synchronous e-learning, also known as live-online training, online learning, synchronous online training, or virtual classroom training, is instructor-led and taken concurrently with other students; the only difference is that they are all spread out geographically. A web conferencing(کانفرنسنگ) or virtual classroom platform (like Adobe Connect or GoToTraining) is commonly used for this training. These platforms provide capabilities like slide or screen sharing, as well as engagement tools like chat, polling, and screen annotation.

Benefits of E-Learning in Education

The benefits of e-learning that you shouldn't ignore are as follows.

● Online education can meet everyone's needs.

● Classes can be taken at any time and from any location that suits the teacher or the


● It provides open, secure, and uninterrupted access to material that is both exclusive and often updated. You can keep up with the most recent developments and stay in sync with contemporary learners thanks to e-learning.

● It assures prompt lesson delivery. Traditional learning environments include some type of delay. While eLearning offers quick and exclusive access to instructional delivery. In eLearning, there are no procrastinators. It is a speedy method of learning!

● It is possible to measure the scalability of the learning, the content, and the length of the course. People who experience anxiety and disconnection in groups might benefit from it. It facilitates learning while maintaining environmental conveniences. You feel at comfortable around In order to give instructors a greater degree of coverage to offer the curriculum on a regular basis, E-Learning places a high value on consistency of exposure, inputs, outcomes, and coordination. This guarantees continuity in learning.

● The expense of the procedure is significantly lowered. The fact that e-learning instruction is rapid and inexpensive is important. Reduced are infrastructure costs, stationery costs, extensive training periods, etc.

● The knowledge that is conveyed or given has a high and potent effectiveness. It makes it simple to understand and take in information. The audio-visuals aid in making information easier to recall. Additionally, tutor-prepared courses are well-planned.

● A very pleasant and economical choice is mobility ensured. Traditional classrooms make it difficult to take revising material and engage in hands-on learning. Missed classes, however, may always be made up online. This makes it simpler for teachers to provide the appropriate knowledge.

● It encourages learning at one's own speed.

Benefits of E-Learning for Students

E-learning is completed with the online way of learning, which differs from the conventional technique of teaching using a board and chalk in that students may study at their convenience and according to their needs. Let's look at the benefits of online learning for students:

● The study materials are available to you at all times.

● You may learn anywhere and whenever you choose.

● When they desire, students may access newly updated material.

● E-learning offers a rapid way of delivery, in contrast to the conventional technique of

teaching. This suggests that learning time has been shortened.

● Scalability offered by e-learning aids in the delivery of instruction.

● Through e-learning, all students may obtain the same kind of curriculum, study

guides, and training.

● You may save time, money, and lessen the expense of commuting by using online

learning. E-learning is therefore more affordable than traditional learning.

● E-learning is delivered online, therefore there is no requirement for paper-based

learning. As a result, we can protect the environment in this way.

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