Data Assessment آپ ڈیٹا کے معیار کی تشخیص کیسے کرتے ہیں؟

Data quality assessment ( تشخیص کے ) is the course of deductively ( کٹوتی سے  ) and genuinely assessing ( اندازہ ) data to decide if they meet the quality expected for tasks or business processes and are of the right sort and amount ( رقم ) to have the option to help their planned use as a matter of fact (حقیقت).

1. Integration ( انضمام ) of information from a diverse set of sources Psychological Measures
Interview Data

2. Assessment should also include other data relevant to referral question Reports from other individuals (افراد)  Collateral Report Historical Records

3. Empirically ( تجرباتی طور پر ) based assessment procedures focused on Validity of psychological tests Diagnostic ( تشخیصی ) validity of clinical interview

4. No research focused on empirical value of other aspects of psychological assessment

Types of Biasness

1: Research validity is limited by the use of single method of measurement (پیمائش)

2:  (mono-method bias)

3: Defining construct in a very narrow way

4: ( mono-operational bias)

5: Data from other sources provide unique, convergent (متغیر), divergent information

6: Drawing conclusions from single method information leads to inaccurate (غلط) conclusions

7: To minimize biases, integrate ( ضم ) data from multiple sources

8: For Example: Fennig, Craig, Tanenberg-Karant, Bromet focused on routine clinical diagnosis as a part of usual hospital practice agreed with multimethod diagnostic conclusions

9: Comparing diagnosis of personality disorders ( عوارض ) by semi-structured diagnostic interview

10: Test scores and interview responses take precedence because they have psychometric ( نفسیاتی ) properties

11: This data will not be recognized when put into larger context Common sources of other data in clinical ( طبی ) assessment

12: Collateral Report Records Review

Collateral Report

1: Collateral report is the information which we get from the collateral reporter(کولیٹرل رپورٹر) about the client

2: It is the relevant information about the client’s condition

3: The collateral reporters can be the client’s parent , friends or his relatives(رشتہ دار) These parents, gaurdians or friends can sometime provide useful information about the client

4: Other potential collateral reporters include teachers, coworkers and therapists(معالجین) Interviewing the collateral reports is the best way to collect the information about the client

5: Gathering informations from the collateral reporters requires consent(رضامندی) of the collateral reporters

6: An assessor also needs to consider how often the colletral reporter has an opportunity to observe the client.

7: An assessor should also consider whether the collateral reporter giving the information on the basis of his observation or on the basis of his senses

8: Assessor collect information from the collateral reporters and from a collateral

9: When assessing the client directly(براہ راست) the assessor match the finding of the collateral report with the direct interview of the client

10: An assessor should also consider the source or information directly because the collateral reporter may have their individual differences that might lead to misperception(غلط فہمی).

11: A collateral reporter should be the most frequent observer(مبصر) of the client’s daily routine or functions. It can be his wife, mother, father or brother

12: Collateral information sometimes provide unique(منفرد) information about the client which client did not tell in his direct interview to the client

Other Records

1: Records means any written or recorded information, regardless of physical form or characteristics

2: That record may be of education, medical/ hospital, office, employment, legal any other depending on the referral questions and context

3: These records are relevant to case history of the client

4:Thus the record review can be limited by the extent(حد تک) that the client is Willing to tell the assessor that the record exist

5: Willing to provide the authorization to acess the record

6: Able to provide enough details for the assessor to appropriately acess the

7: Record can help the assessor to examine the veracity of client report How long a client was hospitalized

8: What prior diagnosis were given

9: Whether the client is attending the therapy

10: For example : a patient with migraine headache

Educational Records

Definition : Any record with certain exception, maintained by an institution with a student name
Educational records be released to third parties

● Consent of student
● Parent
● School officials with a legitimate educational interest
● Cognitive concerns
● Academic concerns
● Assessor examine grades across all courses 
● Educational records are not limited to obtained GPA
● Class rank report tends to inflate grades
● it is important for assessor carefully interpretation of sources
● Local percentile
● Natural percentile
● Percentile is not based on normative sample of age peers

High stake testing

● Student learning will increase
● Meaning consequence to student

School Records

Provide information about behavior concerns

Attendance Record

Absence or present records

Medical Record

● Medical records are the document that explains all detail about the patient's history, clinical findings, diagnostic test results, pre and postoperative care, patient's progress and medication.

● It’s important for an assessor to take a careful and critical look at those data.

● The assessor need to look carefully(احتیاط سے) not just at the diagnostic conclusion that was given in the prior(پہلے) record, but also upon what basis the diagnosis was given

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